
What is ProfNet?

ProfNet, a service of PR Newswire, has been connecting journalists with expert sources for more than 20 years. With access to more than 14,000 PR professionals and the hundreds of thousands of experts they represent ProfNet makes expert sourcing quick and easy.

As a ProfNet subscriber, you have access to these features:

  • Queries – Receive journalist queries from your desired industry categories. We typically transmit between 50-100 queries daily.
  • Member Inquiries – Draw on the expertise of our other ProfNet members by submitting a Member Inquiry to request a speaker, blog/article contributor, etc., for your organization. Navigate to Request/Offer Experts > Request Experts to get started.
  • Expert Alerts – Take advantage of our Expert Alerts feature, via which you can proactively pitch your experts directly to the media. The reverse of a query, these pitches allow you to present your experts for comment on any timely subject matter. Navigate to Request/Offer Experts > Offer Experts to get started. Visit our website for Expert Alert examples.